5 Things Your Kids Will Love About Airboat Rides in Orlando

As a parent, the quest for unique and exhilarating adventures for your kids is never-ending, especially on vacation. However, with new things popping up all the time and little information on what to expect from them, it can be hard to gauge if all the Orlando trips and tours out there will be something your kids will enjoy. Especially when you take into consideration their different interests and hobbies. But that’s one of the great things about Everglades airboat tours. Whether your child is quiet and reserved or always full of energy, your children will love the sense of adventure. Now, let’s explore five amazing reasons why your kids will be captivated by airboat rides in Orlando.

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1. The rush Orlando airboat rides will give them (and you)

Let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a joyride every now and then? The rush of the wind hitting your face and whipping your hair back and forth will get even grown adults giggling as they skim along Lake Cypress. (We call that airboat hair!) Airboat rides in Florida are perfectly paced to thrill adrenaline-seekers without alarming the more cautious adventurers in your family.

2. The different animals they can see up close

From scaly alligators to feathered bald eagles, there are no limits to how many animals your kids may see on their airboat ride. Home to more than 350 different species of wildlife, Florida is full of a variety of animals, some that you may be familiar with and others you didn’t even know about! It’s safe to say that you’ll need to go on more than just one Florida airboat ride to see it all!

3. A change of pace from the vacation

When you are on vacation, it can get so overwhelming going from one attraction to the next that you may want to take a day just to rest. On an airboat tour, take in the beautiful sights and sounds as you glide through the headwaters of the Everglades on Lake Cypress. You will be far away from horns beeping and music filling the air to just seeing water and marshlands surrounding you.

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4. Learn new facts about Florida that they can tell all their friends

No matter how big or small a boat is, it will always need a captain to navigate the waters. That’s why, at Wild Florida, they make sure to find the most knowledgeable, credible Master captains who can tell you all about the animals that live in the Everglades. Just be sure to write down all your questions so you remember what you wanted to ask, and be sure to ask about whatever else piques your curiosity while on your airboat tour.

5. The opportunity to feed some of the animals they saw on their Orlando airboat tour

After your tour, you and your kids can get a closer look at some animals you saw on Lake Cypress and even some found on the other side of the world! Your airboat tour includes admission to the Wild Florida Gator Park, where you can get even closer to live gators and meet so many other wild and exotic animals. Unleash your inner angler with some “gator fishing,” and refuel at the gazebo with gator feed or a fishing pole in hand!

The great thing about experiences, no matter what you do, is that you can create one-of-a-kind memories that will last forever. What does that mean? Next time you visit the Orlando area, plan your airboat ride with Wild Florida and get the ultimate Florida experience.